Day 100 — Bully

One of the arguments some people make against homeschooling is that parents are keeping their children from learning how to be social and deal with people who bully. As if…

Day 98

Friends May Be Key to Churchgoers' HappinessSpiritual aspects less significant for life satisfaction, survey finds. is a long known fact that life is about connections. Be those a connection…

Day 97

Some nights it seems like they take turns needing to not sleep by themselves! Some nights I am sure I need to get a bigger bed. LOL

Day 96

Even at 11 months old sometimes we all sleep better when we are not alone. Who can blame her? Wrapped in strong sure safe arms for the night, I sleep…

Day 95

They had these at the farm we had gotten the duck eggs from and that we returned the ducklings to after they hatched and we took care of them for…

Day 94

Will be back blogging many days I missed taking a photo on with other photos taken around the same time. This one was of the duckings following the kids around.…

Day 93

The room took a lot of work! Priming it when we move at the end of the year should not take near as long!

Day 92

The color just was not right so seeing Mr Hansom and the Stormy baby re-painted walls on their own, we thought it a good time to get a different color…

Day 91

One of babies due date groups put together a birthday exchange, the challenge was to send a gift in a timely manner spending no more than $15 on the gift!…