9-Year Old Gave Birth

 In America we often talk about how bad teen pregnancy is. What about pre-teens? Before we jump into this lets look at some numbers the teenage pregnancy rate was the…

Make My Morning!

It has been a hard few weeks with so many being sick, bad news from loved ones, worry, pain, all mixed in with joy and hope and fun! Life is…

Off Topic — Gold Rush Alaska

  --- warning, spoiler---   While chatting with friends someone mentioned this show, Gold Rush Alaska. It sounded really interesting. I love nature, the frontier life, and Alaska! So I started watching it…

Kind Words

 I wish I knew what to say when someone I care about looses a loved one. I don't. I worry I will say the wrong thing, that I will make…

Review: Babadoo Designs

I would like to introduce to you a lovely little printing and design company! Babadoo Designs You should see their facebook and twitter pages too so you can follow their…