Kind Words

 I wish I knew what to say when someone I care about looses a loved one. I don't. I worry I will say the wrong thing, that I will make…


"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything; but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to…

Of Sorrow and Love

Sorrow reminds me that never again shall we see another day together.Love reminds me that I shall never wake having not been changed by the ones we did.   - Kimberly…

True Love

True love is many things. Often I am reminded of it. Tonight is one of them. So many things going on, medical, social, ethical and I found myself a bit…

Day 145

Long before my husband and I knew we would date we were just good friends. One day he showed up while our other friends where busy and asked if I…

Day 64

My wonder husband is amazing on many levels, one of them happens to be his magical knowing of just when I need random roses. I am not sure my love…

Price of Words

Communication online is a very hard thing. While trying to share information and my care, some how I still manage to be taken wrong, resulting in conflict, and feelings getting…