Inspire me with rainbows!

I have been sick. Thankfully my littles have not been!This does mean though that the house will need some scrubbing and they need some balance!A few too many videos games, a…

Homemade Light Box Fun

Homeschooling is not all books and the kitchen table for most of us. For my family we love being creative and hands on working! Helping our pre-k daughter and Kinder son with…

Keep Warm

      The importance of keeping warm is something I was not always aware of. Doctors, Nurses, Books, all seemed to say the same thing, dress the baby, the…

Winter Handwork

This is not my best photo ever to say the least but I can't really go wrong when trying to capture the moods of my tween. This is my Hope…

Day 144 – Handwork

As our school year starts to end, our state paperwork finished and sent, thoughts for me turn to next year. Next year our 5 year old will be doing Kinder,…

Day 19

Today Mr. Hansom was very determined to make bread. He loves to help with this just as much as he loves to eat home made bread. We have started to…

Simply Cookies

While I see the superficial clouding the lives of some I know I just have to cling to the simple things. Like cookies! I laughed this past week as a…